Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description |
None |
0 |
No issues encountered |
UnRecoverable |
-2147483648 |
The package had an unrecoverable issue |
ShippingMethodMismatch |
1 |
The package does not belong to the shipping method |
InvalidDescription |
2 |
The description is not valid. |
DimensionsMustBeIntegers |
4 |
The shippping method requires that the dimensions are integers |
InvalidDimensions |
8 |
The dimensions violate size limitations. |
HeightRequired |
16 |
Weight is required to be greater than 0. |
WidthRequired |
32 |
Width is required to be greater than 0. |
LengthRequired |
64 |
Length is required to be greater than 0. |
InvalidWeight |
128 |
The weight provided is invalid |
WeightRequired |
256 |
Weight is required to be greater than 0. |
PackageContentsOverCommitted |
512 |
Contents are over committed |
PackageContentsQtyInvalid |
1024 |
Content quantity is not a positive integer |
PackageTypeIsDeleted |
2048 |
The package type has been deleted |
InvalidDeclaredValue |
4096 |
The declared value of the package is invalid |
InvalidContentWeight |
8192 |
The weight of some of the content is invalid |
InvalidContentHarmonizationCode |
16384 |
The harmonization code of some of the content is invalid |
InvalidContentCustomsValue |
32768 |
The customs value of some of the content is invalid |
InvalidElectronicExportInformationCode |
65536 |
The EEI code is invalid. |
ShippingServiceMismatch |
131072 |
The package is not valid for the Shipping Service |