
Resource for ABC Shops

POST api/abcshops/v2/lookup

Looks up ABC Shops by specified parameters.


Resource for credential verification.

GET api/accounts/validate

Retrieves the profile associated with the currently authenticated user.


Resource for functionality specific to an Cost Recovery server.

GET api/acrservers/{serverName}

Retrieves detailed information about a customer.

GET api/acrservers/{serverName}/config

Retrieves configuration for a server.

GET api/acrservers/{serverName}/helpdeskusers

Retrieves helpdesk users for a server.

GET api/acrservers/{serverName}/helpdeskusers2

Retrieves helpdesk users for a server.


Resource for ABC's customers

POST api/customers/v2/lookup

Retrieves a filtered list of basic information for customers.

GET api/customers/{customerCode}

Retrieves detailed information about a customer.

GET api/customers/{customerCode}/locations

Retrieves detailed information about a customer's locations.

POST api/customers/{customerCode}/locations

Creates or updates a location for a customer.

POST api/customers/{customerCode}/projects

Retrieves a filtered list of projects for a customer.


Resource for ABC's customers

POST api/v3/customers/lookup

Retrieves a filtered list of basic information for customers.

GET api/v3/customers/{customerId}

Retrieves detailed information about a customer.

GET api/v3/customers/{customerId}/locationList

Retrieves detailed information about a customer's locations.

POST api/v3/customers/{customerId}/locations

Creates or updates a location for a customer.

POST api/v3/customers/{customerId}/projectList

Retrieves a filtered list of projects for a customer.

GET api/v3/customers/pricingSheets/{pricingSheetId}

Retrieves details regarding a specific pricing sheet for a customer

GET api/v3/customers/locations/{locationId}

Retrieves details regarding a specific location for a customer

GET api/v3/customers/projects/{projectId}

Retrieves details about a specific project for a customer

POST api/v3/customers/{customerId}/addressBookEntryList

Retrieves a list of address book entries for a customer

POST api/v3/customers/{customerId}/addressBookEntry

Creates or updates an address book entry for a customer.

DELETE api/v3/customers/{customerId}/addressBookEntry/{entryId}

Marks an address book entry for a customer deleted

GET api/v3/customers/{customerId}/addressBookEntry/{entryId}

Gets details of an address book entry for a customer


Resource for sending and checking on sent emails

POST api/email/send

Makes a request to send an email.

POST api/email/checkStatus

Makes a request to check on the send status of an email.


Resource for order item querying.

POST api/items/v2/lookup

Looks up items by description or code.


Resource for order manipulation.

GET api/orders/{orderNumber}

Retrieve a specific order.

GET api/orders/{orderNumber}/pdf

Retrieve a link to the print out of a specific order.

POST api/orders/lookup

Retrieves a filtered list of basic information for customers.

POST api/orders/estimate

Estimates an order.

POST api/orders

Create a new order. Successful requests will return either 201 Created or 202 Accepted.

POST api/orders/{orderNumber}/attachments?attachmentType={attachmentType}&desiredFilename={desiredFilename}

Adds an attachment to a previously created work order. File sizes are limited to just under 2Gb. Include contents of file as binary multipart/form-data data in the request. The attachmentType and desiredFilename parameters can be submitted either on the URL or as part of the multipart/form-data in the body. Anything specified in the URL takes precedence.

POST api/orders/estimate/persist

Create a new estimate. Successful requests will return either 201 Created or 202 Accepted.

POST api/orders/{orderNumber}/copyattachments

Copies a previously uploaded attachment to a previously created work order.

POST api/orders/{orderNumber}/update

Requests an update or a work order.

POST api/orders/{orderNumber}/updateShipment/{shipmentId}

Requests an update for a shipment on a work order.

GET api/orders/{OrderNumber}/validateShipment/{ShipmentId}

Validates that a shipment is ready to ship.

GET api/orders/{OrderNumber}/validateShipment/{ShipmentId}/{OverrideShippingProfileId}

Validates that a shipment is ready to ship.

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/shipShipment/{ShipmentId}

Ships a shipment

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/shipShipment/{ShipmentId}/{OverrideShippingProfileId}

Ships a shipment

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/createReturnLabel/{ShipmentId}

Creates a return label for a shipped shipment

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/createReturnLabel/{ShipmentId}/{OverrideServiceCode}

Creates a return label for a shipped shipment using an alternate service code for the return

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/trackShipment

Tracks one or more shipments.

GET api/orders/{OrderNumber}/validateCancelShipment/{ShipmentId}

Validates that a shipment is eligble for cancelling.

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/cancelShipment/{ShipmentId}

Cancels a shipment

GET api/orders/{OrderNumber}/validateForCompletion

Validates that an order is ready to complete

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/completeOrder

Completes an order

POST api/orders/estimate/{EstimateNumber}/convert

Converts an estimate to a full work order.

POST api/orders/{OrderNumber}/cancelOrder

Marks an order cancelled


Resource for processing payments

POST api/paymentservice/cc/validateandcharge

Validates and charges a credit card.

GET api/paymentservice/cc/surchargeverbiage

Retrieves the standardized service charge verbiage to be displayed to the customer.


Resource for item price querying.

POST api/pricing/v2/tiers

Retrieves the pricing chart for an item.

POST api/pricing/v2/lookup

Requests the pricing for a single item.


Resource reference data.

GET api/reference/currencies

Retrieves a list of all currencies possibly supported by the system. Some API calls may restrict the list further.

GET api/reference/validatephone?pn={pn}&cc={cc}

Tests to see if a supplied phone number is valid for the country code provided. This only validates that the phone number can be formatted as a valid phone number. It does not validate that the phone number is active.


Resource for querying shipping information.

GET api/shipping/methods/{shippingMethod}

Retrieved allowed service codes and packaging types for a shipping method.

GET api/shipping/countries/lookup/{filter}?matchPartial={matchPartial}&startingRowNumber={startingRowNumber}&rowCount={rowCount}

Retrieves the code and description of the countries supported by the API

GET api/shipping/countries?startingRowNumber={startingRowNumber}&rowCount={rowCount}

Retrieves the code and description of the countries supported by the API

GET api/shipping/regions/lookup/{filter}?matchPartial={matchPartial}&startingRowNumber={startingRowNumber}&rowCount={rowCount}

Retrieves the code and description of the regions supported by the API.

GET api/shipping/regions?startingRowNumber={startingRowNumber}&rowCount={rowCount}

Retrieves the code and description of the regions supported by the API.

POST api/shipping/validateaddress

Performs address validation in preparation for shipping. Non-US addresses may return unpredictable results.

POST api/shipping/rateshop

Requests rates for rate comparision between services and providers.


Resource for querying taxing related items.

GET api/taxing/lookup/{filter}?matchPartial={matchPartial}&startingRowNumber={startingRowNumber}&rowCount={rowCount}&businessUnitId={businessUnitId}&customerId={customerId}&effectiveDate={effectiveDate}

Filter the available sales tax codes by code or description.

GET api/taxing/defaultnonetaxcode

Returns the tax code that should be used when no taxes are desired.

GET api/taxing/checktaxcode?taxCode={taxCode}&customerId={customerId}&effectiveDate={effectiveDate}

Validates if a tax code is valid for a particular customer