Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description |
None |
0 |
No issues encountered |
UnRecoverable |
-2147483648 |
Issues are unrecoverable through the API |
ShippingMethodInvalid |
1 |
The shipping method is invalid. |
DispatchChargeItemInvalid |
2 |
The dispatch charge item is invalid |
ThirdPartyShippingAccountInvalid |
4 |
The third-party shipping account is invalid |
ScheduledPickupDateInvalid |
8 |
The Scheduled pickup date is invalid. (Not used any more) |
NotificationEmailInvalid |
16 |
One or more of the notification emails is invalid |
ShipToAddressInvalid |
32 |
Indicates something with the Ship To Address is invalid |
ShipToAttentionInvalid |
64 |
The Attention field is invalid |
ShipToStreet1Invalid |
128 |
Street 1 is invalid |
ShipToCityInvalid |
256 |
City is invalid |
ShipToRegionInvalid |
512 |
Region/State is invalid |
ShipToPostalCodeInvalid |
1024 |
Postal code is invalid |
ShipToZip4Invalid |
2048 |
Zip4 is invalid |
ShipToPhoneInvalid |
4096 |
Phone is invalid |
ShipToEmailInvalid |
8192 |
Email is invalid |
ShipToTaxCodeInvalid |
16384 |
The tax code set on the shipment is invalid |
ShipToAddressValidationFailure |
32768 |
Ship to address did not pass validation |
ShipFromAddressInvalid |
65536 |
Indicates something with the Ship From Address is invalid |
ShipFromStreet1Invalid |
131072 |
Street 1 is invalid |
ShipFromCityInvalid |
262144 |
City is invalid |
ShipFromRegionInvalid |
524288 |
Region/State is invalid |
ShipFromPostalCodeInvalid |
1048576 |
Postal code is invalid |
ShipFromZip4Invalid |
2097152 |
Zip4 is invalid |
ShipFromPhoneInvalid |
4194304 |
Phone is invalid |
ShipFromEmailInvalid |
8388608 |
Email is invalid |
PackagesAreInvalid |
16777216 |
Indicates that there is an issue with the packages on the shipment |
NoPackagesDefined |
33554432 |
Indicates that there were no packages defined for the shipment |
ExclusivePackageViolation |
67108864 |
Indicates that an exclusive package was not the only package on the shipment |
MaxPackageCountExceeded |
134217728 |
The number of packages exceeds the amount allowed by the shipping method. |
ShipmentRequiresApproval |
268435456 |
Shipment requires approval before shipping. Must be shipped through the EE GUI. |
ShipmentReadyDateTimeLocalInvalid |
536870912 |
The date that the shipment is to be ready is invalid |
ShipmentReadyDateTimeLocalOutsidePickupWindows |
1073741824 |
The date that the shipment is to be ready is outside availalbe requested pickup windows |